【問題】the weak sustainability of the salmon feed transition in norway a bioeconomic case study ?推薦回答

關於「the weak sustainability of the salmon feed transition in norway a bioeconomic case study」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:

The Weak Sustainability of the Salmon Feed Transition in Norway。

2019年12月17日 · This paper investigates transition pathways using an example from the bioeconomy: salmon farming and feed development in Norway.: 。

The Weak Sustainability of the Salmon Feed Transition in Norway。

This paper investigates transition pathways using an example from the bioeconomy: salmon farming and feed development in Norway.: 。

The Weak Sustainability of the Salmon Feed Transition in Norway。

The Weak Sustainability of the Salmon Feed Transition in Norway – A Bioeconomic Case Study. Hansen, Lillian. Journal article, Peer reviewed ...: 。

Inclusion of photoautotrophic cultivated diatom biomass in ... - PLOS。

2021年7月29日 · The Weak Sustainability of the Salmon Feed Transition in Norway–A Bioeconomic Case Study. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2019;6(764):1–16. View ...。

Norway case study - Aquaspace。

2018年8月24日 · A major sustainability issue in salmon aquaculture is on farmed fish acting as hosts for the natural parasite salmon louse (Taranger et al., ...: weak transition bioeconomic。

Inclusion of photoautotrophic cultivated diatom biomass in ... - NCBI。

2021年7月29日 · Hansen L. The Weak Sustainability of the Salmon Feed Transition in Norway–A Bioeconomic Case Study. Frontiers in Marine Science.: tw | tw。

Risk Analysis and Bioeconomics of Invasive Species to Inform Policy ...。

Results of these forecasting models combined with improved and cheaper surveillance technologies and practices [e.g., environmental DNA (eDNA), drones, citizen ...。

[PDF] fao-ipcc expert meeting on climate change, land use and food security。

Policies for land use, sustainable food production and consumption and climate ... diseases on the other, is based on case studies and needs to be addressed ...。

[PDF] Report of the Special Session on Advancing Integrated Agriculture ...。

The various case studies showed that traditional rice-fish culture continues ... change, it offers new opportunities to build more sustainable food systems ...。


常見the weak sustainability of the salmon feed transition in norway a bioeconomic case study問答
